Sunday, September 2, 2012

Halloween Costume Ideas for Pregnant Women

A totally awesome and EASY Halloween costume idea for a pregnant woman would be an eyeball!!! All you need are some black clothes and some facial pain. Wearing all black clothing on Halloween, simply paint your bare or clothed belly area white and then paint the center of the eye to whatever color you wish. Possibly add a few red veins for a much more realistic look! Such a great idea to show off that belly!

My absolute favorite costume for a pregnant woman would have to be a pumpkin! This is such a simple Halloween costume for a pregnant woman. Just wear a green cap that you can buy at the store or make it yourself. Then use some paint to paint your belly orange and decorate it to look that of a pumpkin or you can even go over the top and paint a jack-o-lantern face on it!!!

The pea is another easy Halloween costume idea for pregnant women! Colored jeans have been big for the season so being able to find green jeans, sweatpants or even leggings should be an easy task.  Add a green sweatshirt or other long sleeved top and either cut a hole in the belly area of the top or lift the shirt to show off your bare belly and be sure that you belly is painted green.

If you can't do anything else or just don't like any of these ideas then you can simply paint your bare pregnant belly and use Halloween to proudly show it off. You can paint it to look like a soccer ball, basketball, bowling ball, etc.

This is one of the best Halloween costume ideas for pregnant women and requires a box of any size depending on the size of your pregnant belly. The first step is to cut it out so that it can be worn over your shoulders with plenty of room for you to slide your head through. Decorate the box to look like an oven using various paints and cut out the front so that it can open and close. In front of the "oven" write "bun in the oven" and paint your belly a beige color so that when the oven is opened, everyone can see your "bun in the oven".

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